We close the first half of 2020 with some good news: during the summer we will start a collaboration with Greek actors to boost exports of organic products from Greece. Out of the classic European Mediterranean countries, Italy and Spain have succeeded really well with their export of organic food products. Greece has lagged behind.

As the corona pandemic hit the hospitality industry particularly bad, and tourism is such an important source of revenue to the rural Greece, there is an urgent need to find more profitable markets for the agricultural products. It feels good to be able to help. This is a way to use the corona recovery to make business greener. It will mean fantastic opportunities for suppliers as well as buyers.
In the first phase, we will create a kind of substitute for the postponed Nordic Organic Food Fair. Real life meetings cannot be entirely replaced by digital ones, but we can get a long way by using the tools that have helped business survive the pandemic. We will organize a number of webinars during the summer and autumn, aiming at a large number of successful digital match-making meetings between Greek suppliers and Nordic (and other) buyers. The meetings will be held in the same week that NOFF would have been arranged; November 9-13.
In the next phase, we will build an efficient logistics solution for the Greek suppliers. This makes it possible to send samples and initial deliveries at very short notice, which in turn cuts time to market considerably.
If you are the least interested in getting in touch with Greek suppliers of organic foods, feel free to send an email to info@moreganic.nu and we will be sure to invite you!
July is the peak of summer vacations in Sweden, so things will slow down a bit at the office for a few weeks. However we always keep an eye on our inboxes, so make sure to get in touch if there’s anything we can do to assist!
Johan Cejie